Summary of training and supervision your dogs

1. When a dog licking that means he showed loyalty to you.You should pat his head gently. However, you must ensure that dogs are very clean and already vaccinated.
2. Take care of the dog as well. Play with him when free time.
3. Order the dog to follow the instructions that have been trained before feeding. Don't be lazy to repeat training 'cause dog will be slow in training.
4. Prepare a bed which without waste for a dog. Your dog will not be a dirty dog. Then you can play or practice him to full.
5. Rebuke when dog makes mistakes. But do not hit him strength. Because he will be unruly and do not obey you anymore.
6. Bring dog going out to take a walk about 5-10 minutes per day but don't tie the rope at the neck too tight. Should tie the rope to the collar instead.
7. Let the dogs have privacy. Let him sleep at time he wants. Do not force him to practice all the time. Because he will not obey you.
8. Clean your dog regularly.Because dog may play with a kids in house and may lead to infection.