House training puppies and dogs tips part 2

Trainer for dog training
Puppy or dog that is trained by one trainer, which okay. Because if there is changing trainer many times a dog will not remember anything you teach or might be long time to get.
If you have to replace trainer you should use training in same step or used the drill that resemble, Puppy or dog will be good feeling and can remember well

Short word is important
Several times you think you prepare the training well but you dog still can’t understand your command, why not?
Perhaps you might command him in long tail word which he can’t understand. Because he is a dog!!!
Sure he is a dog so you have to tell him in short word and often repeat that word many times until he get it such as “come in” “Stay” “Jump” “Stop” “No” or else.
And calls his name every time you command to he know that you are getting command him or not.

Muzzle no problem comes
If your dog is a breed that fierce, uncontrolled bites person.  You should take care him closely, limit his area, don't take him goes for a stroll often because he might bite someone that you can’t stop in time. However you shouldn't detain him in cage ‘cause he will be taut and bite someone in your family. A solution, take him a muzzle all time but feeding, this way can let you take him go out for training or other activity like relax. 

Do not compare do not disappoint 
Sometimes you suspect that why your dog can’t succeed your command while dog of another can do. The reason why may be the difference of breed, attention of owner or any house training tips you don’t know. You have to relax to train your dog, don’t worry about their dog but point to your training that good enough or not? If you only for compare with your dog and dog of the other you might not know why the training being slow and you will misunderstand that your dog is poor.
So do not compare, do not disappoint and then train your dog like enjoy 

More hurt, more stubborn
Feeding dog correctly, you must not beat dog or injure dog. Because dog is living thing that have feelings, if you have to beat him you should not be strength. Or you might use a roll for hit when you angry you can hit him full power which your dog isn’t too hurt.
If you often hurt your dog, he will be stubborn and uncontrolled training lastly.  

When the post man comes
It‘s usually dog barks When the post man comes, the reason may be post man bell. Dog thinks that post man is a stranger who trespass his home. He is going to keep post man’s face or dressing in mind. So he barks every time post man comes.
Solution, When dog barks the post man you should soothe him by fondle the head and pat buttocks softly. For make him relaxes and then introduces the post man to him. After that he will re-record about post man in his mind.
You see? The softly communication, touching by love, what the powerful they are?